10.2.93 Hello ! The two programs mergchan.prg and cuttere.prg are utilities for generating a sample bank for the 3D CONSTRUCTION KIT v.1 from INCENTIVE SOFTWARE They are written in Omikron basic. There are the compiled versions and the source code in the folder. I wrote these programs, because I had trouble with my samples and merging them correctly to a sample bank. I generated my samples with the DELUXE SOUND AUDIO DIGITISER on an Amiga 500 then ported them (via NULL Modem) to my ST and was very much wondering that I only got a "crrck" when they were merged to a samplebank and loaded in with the 3d Construction kit. The Audio digitiser Program saved the sample datas correctly in the RAW format, I was sure of that. What I didn't knew: There are no zero bytes allowed in the sample datas with the 3dkit and the sample lenght must be even because of the 16 BIT format of the ST (I think), but both was done from the digitiser. So I wrote these little two programs. Mergchan.prg will load your samples, change zero bytes into "1" Bytes (does not affect sound quality) and link them to a sample bank. You can also use it of course with normal RAW samples, just to link them a little more comfortable than with the old ttp-merger. The first sample you select will be sound(0), the next sound(1) and so on. To save the bank, click on ok when no file is selected. The samplebank lenght in my program is limited to 150 000 Bytes. If you want a larger bank you have to change the "dim" order in the omicron basic source code (easy). cuttere.prg is for that cases, that you have a RAW sample with an odd lenght e.g. 2355 bytes. It was my expierience that this will also confuse a sample bank, when linked to other samples. It may be, that this only happens with my merge program, not with the ttp-merger of the kit. Anyway. Look at your file information wether you have one of those odd samples. If so, you can load them with cuttere.prg. The last byte will be cut off, the RAW Header corrected and then you can write it back to disk, now in even lenght. Although I think that problems like these do not occure often or do only depend on my strange way to take samples, the two progams might be helpful. I give this software into PD, because the 3DKIT series is such a phantastic (in german: Phantastisch !) software, that it has to be supported. Many thanks to Mandy Rodriguez and Paul Gregory for their help ! If you have trouble with my programs, feel free to contact me: Juergen Hunke Groothoffgasse 8 2000 Hamburg 60 Tel. 040/2791309 Germany